Monday, 31 July 2017

Exploring Riboswitches in Archaeal Metagenomes

metabolism impact factor
Metagenomics is defined as the direct analysis of genomes found in an environmental sample. It involves cloning and analyzing the genomes without culturing the organisms in the community. A number of new and novel molecules with significant functionalities and applications have been identified through this approach. This study focuses on identifying riboswitches in Archaeal metagenomes. Instances of TPP and Ado-Cbl variant riboswitches have been identified in different uncultured archaeal metagenomes. These riboswitches were searched and verified by using various bioinformatics approaches. The findings in Archaeal metagenomes hint at the possibility of finding more predefined and novel classes of riboswitches as new genomic samples are extracted from the environment.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Lifting the dark clouds of depression in old age

geriatric psychiatry impact factor
Late-life depression refers to a depressive syndrome occurring in people older than age 65 years. The cut-off age is arbitrary and the condition is heterogeneous in terms of clinical features and coexisting medical disorders. As the population ages, the number of older people with depression is expected to increase and depression is predicted to become the leading cause of disease burden in middle and higher income countries by year 2030. In Australia, 10-15% of community dwelling older people experience depression and the prevalence can be as high as 35% in nursing home residents. Prevalence of late-life depression is higher in hospital settings compared to primary care. Older women are affected by depression twice as many as men. The prevalence and incidence of major depressive disorder will double by the age of 70-85 years.

Monday, 10 July 2017

The inhibition of Cg2076, the GHITM homologue in neurons of Drosophila Melanogaster can be rescued by Buffy

neuron peer reviewed journal
Growth hormone-inducible transmembrane protein (GHITM) is an inner mitochondrial membrane protein that contains the Bax inhibitor-1 motif and is implicated in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology and especially cristae structure. The downregulation of GHITM results in fragmented mitochondria and the release of cytochrome c, while its upregulation delays the release of cytochrome c. We inhibited CG2076 the Drosophila GHITM homologue in the neurons using RNA interference and analysed the phenotypic consequences of this mitochondrial protein. The directed expression of GHITM-RNAi in neurons under the control of the Dopa decarboxylase (Ddc) transgene results in shortened lifespan and impaired climbing ability. The co-expression of Buffy, the only anti-apoptotic B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) protein in Drosophila, along with GHITM-RNAi results in suppression of the shortened lifespan and premature age-dependent loss in climbing ability.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Validation of the Competency Assessment Tool (CAT)

geriatric psychiatry journals impact factor
With the population ageing, the number of seniors with cognitive impairments is growing, as is the number of requests for competency assessments. The Competency Assessment Tool (CAT) was designed to assist health and social service professionals to clinically assess competency. A qualitative study was held to validate de CAT. Five focus group (including elders, caregivers and professionals from organizations protecting elders’ rights) were held, along with ten telephone interviews (with legal practitioners). All participants were asked for their overall opinion of the CAT and its relevance in improving assessments and protecting people’s rights. According to the results, the CAT is an innovative, comprehensive and relevant tool that provides a fair and nuanced assessment of competency. Implementing this tool will help to protect the rights and freedoms of the individuals evaluated by producing an assessment that will make it easier to identify the most appropriate protective measures.